Breaks And Holidays Care |

plus (1) Breaks And Holidays Care

Short term live-in care – Here for you when you need a break

We serve across London, Hampshire, and surrounding areas

If you need to take time away, we’ll connect you to a live-in carer you can trust to care the way you would.

Supporting an elderly loved one can sometimes get too much, and it’s completely normal to feel this way.

According to Carers UK, 63% of family carers are worried about continuing to care without a break, and 74% feel exhausted because of looking after someone they love.

It’s important to have time and space to look after your own wellbeing – whether this means a weekend away, spending time with friends, or simply catching up on some sleep. However, we get that this often feels easier said than done.

We’re here to help. We can provide an experienced short-term carer to move in with your loved one, and help with anything from getting washed and dressed, to preparing meals and looking after the home.

Care can be arranged for as little as three days at a time, and means you can enjoy a bit of a break with the complete peace of mind that your loved one is safe and happy, with someone there to care for them 

If you’d like to find out more about arranging short-term live-in care, give us a call on +441329 761995

How does it work?

It takes a lot to put your loved one in the care of someone new, we get that. It’s why we’ll always take your lead to arrange care you’re comfortable with.

  • Getting to know you– Give our care team a call – they’ll learn as much as they can about your situation and work out an arrangement that best supports your loved one’s needs.
  • Finding the right carer– We believe every family deserves the right carer, every-time. We’ll connect you to a skilled, fully vetted carer who’s not only a safe pair of hands, but a friendly face too.
  • Providing peace of mind– On your carer’s first day, they’ll set aside plenty of time to get to know your loved one, and how they like things to be done. If you’d like regular updates from your carer while you’re away, we’ll do this in a way that works for you.

Need care quickly?

Life can be unpredictable. We can connect you to an experienced carer in just 24 hours if your needs are urgent.


We know that receiving care from someone you’re familiar with is important. So, we’ll always try to connect you to the same carer when you make multiple bookings, depending on their availability – speak to our team to find out more.


Recognized by the CQC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) defines companies like Joyful Care as an introductory agency pursuant to the Health & Social Care Act 2008

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