Costs Funding for Live-in care |

plus (1) costs/funding


The care we facilitate is widely considered to be the most cost effective available.

The care we facilitate is widely considered to be the most cost effective available. 
Costs for continuous, 7 day a week, live-in care start from 
 Individual – £1100 – £1500 per week (depending on care needs) 
Care for a couple – £1200 – £1800 per week (depending on care needs) 
However, there are several other considerations than just this headline rate. In this section, we 
explain any other costs or potential “hidden charges”, how to reduce costs and try to address as 
many cost questions as possible. 
As our help is tailored towards individual situations and preferences, it is generally considered helpful 
to be able to talk through potential options and their associated costs.

Our approach is to offer flexibility, a simple and transparent cost structure and opportunities for clients to reduce their costs, wherever possible.

reduce Costs

Clients can choose to have care on a flexible / non-full time basis – for example 12 days in 14 or 14 days in 28. This is a particular useful way of reducing costs when family or friends are able to help out.

Our goal is never to increase the agency fee to an existing client even when our costs increase.

We offer loyalty discounts – i.e. our costs reduce over time.


  • Care can start any day of the week and there are no fixed lengths (or rotas) of a carer’s stay.
  • Care can start on a trial basis – the client is in control of the situation and we are here to help make the process as smooth as possible.
  • Our contracts have no onerous clauses: when the care stops, the costs stop*!

Simple & Transparent Costs

Typically the cost of 24 hour care packages are comparable to, or less than the cost of, a residential care or nursing home. The prices comprise of a payment that is made directly to the self-employed carer on your behalf from us and our agency fees. The total cost is constantly monitored to ensure that your total price is kept lower than our biggest competitors so that you have peace of mind.


We look to choose both carers and clients who are considerate to one another. Our business terms aim to protect all parties and include

What we consider to be reasonable notice periods

Joyful Care approach

Transparent pricing puts you in control

We believe that it is important that you should know exactly how much you paid for your care  and that all costs are transparent.

This differentiates us in the care industry, which unfortunately has a reputation for low carer pay, high turnover of staff and a corresponding lack of continuity of care personnel. The result of this is well publicised in the press.

How much does a live-in carer cost?” is a very commonly asked question. If you’re wondering, for example, what the cost of live-in Dementia care is, take a look at our breakdown of costs below:

How much does a live-in carer cost?

The total cost of live-in care is as follows:

Single Person

Starts from £1100 per week


Starts from £1200 per week

Respite Care

Starts from £1290 per week

What are 24 hour live-in care costs for couples?

We are focused on helping couples to continue to be able to live together in their own homes, with total 24-hour live-in care costs starting from only £1360 per week. To help ensure that the cost of live-in care is affordable, we would only charge an additional nominal amount for couples, unlike the live-in care costs associated with going into a residential or nursing home. Many homes will charge a weekly fee for both individuals, albeit at a reduced rate, however the total amount is very likely to be much more than our total costs.

Fee changes and cancellation

When it comes to live-in care costs, your fees will not change, unless it is as a result of an annual inflation increase, or unless your care needs materially change.

For further information, please contact one of our Care Support Team.

Find out more information on funding care here.

Respite care costs

We understand that providing on going care for a loved one can be challenging and exhausting. If you would like to take a break then our respite care service can help. Our respite care costs are shown below and care can be provided on a short or long-term basis.

Duration                                                                                                                  Respite care total costs

Under 7 days

£200 per day

7 days and over

£180 per day

4 weeks and over

£1100 per week (1 person)

£1390 per week (Couple)

How can an hourly carer help?

  • Live a fulfilling life in your own home by using daily or hourly care.
  • Carers can help in several different ways:
  • Companionship
  • Greater security
  • Increased mobility
  • Help with diet and fitness
  • Medication prompting
  • Socialisation
  • Tell us your care requirements and connect with your chosen carer

How can an overnight carer help?

  • An overnight carer enables you to remain independent and secure in your own home.

Sleeping night care

  • If you anticipate only occasional support in the night but value the presence of a trusted carer in your home until morning, you have the option of sleeping night care.

Waking night care

  • If you wake often, or need regular assistance with medication and personal care, you can choose waking night care. It offers consistency in your care throughout the night.

There are numerous ways carers can assist, here are just some:

  • Security and peace of mind
  • Medication prompting
  • Assistance with mobility within the home
  • Bathroom assistance
  • On-hand help throughout the night

Tell us your care requirements and we will connect you with a qualify carer.

Here an example, what the cost of Day and Night care is, take a look at our breakdown of costs below:

The total cost of care is as follows:

Hourly Day Care Rate   Start From                                                               £23 per hour

Waking Night Care Rate  Star From                                                            £25 per hour

Sleeping in care  Rate   Start From                                                              £140 per night

Arrange a 24-hour care package in 3 easy steps

Do you want to find out more about 24-hour live-in care costs? If you’re thinking about  live-in care at home – we’re happy to talk things through with you. It really is that simple. Rest assured we are a fully managed care agency regulated by the care quality commission so families have complete peace of mind.

How to pay for care

Paying for care doesn’t need to be stressful or troublesome. Find out how self-funding care works and what short and long-term care funding options are available to you.

How is care funded?

How can I fund care for myself or a loved one, is a question we’re asked regularly. Understanding all of your funding options can make a big difference to the care you choose. The cost of care is dependent on your situation. You may be eligible for government assistance in meeting some, or all, of your care costs.

The financial side of care for a loved one can be daunting. Wondering how to pay for Alzheimer’s care, Dementia or for the care needed by a loved one living with a certain condition? Don’t worry, we’re happy to support you through this  process, step by step.

Cost of care: What are my options?

When it comes to paying for care, there are a range of public funding options and benefit entitlements available. You might choose to fund your care privately or via direct payments. However, if you need advice on  your funding options for the cost of care, we recommend that you speak with a Financial Advisor who has experience in this area.

Funding for elderly care from your local authority

In the first instance, we would recommend contacting your local authority to see if they are able to cover some of the costs involved in your care. Individuals with income or savings above a certain threshold may not be able to claim relief from local government. Some authorities do not support Live in Care and would prefer to fund a lowest cost care home place but these options are frequently not the preferred option by families for many reason. In this case you have a legal right to ask for ‘Direct Payments’ from you local authority who are obliged to pay the costs they would have incurred to you directly if you want to fund an alternative care solution. Although there is often a shortfall the direct payment covers a substantial proportion of costs and can make the difference between having to take the cheapest care the Local Authority can source and instead having one to one care in your own home with a carers managed directly by you.

The Money Advice Service provides more information on how to find out if you are eligible for funding from your local authority – at the very least, you will be entitled to a care needs assessment.

Are you entitled to benefits?

Many people will be entitled to certain benefits from the state, which can go some way to paying for the cost of care. There are a number of different benefits available, including:

  • Pension Credits
  • Savings Credits
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Constant Attending Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Council Tax Benefit

Could you claim a personal health budget?

As of October 2014, individuals who have been receiving NHS Continuing Healthcare have been able to claim a personal health budget. The money provided may be used to set up a care package with an independent care provider such as ourselves, with the support of your local NHS team.


Recognized by the CQC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) defines companies like Joyful Care as an introductory agency pursuant to the Health & Social Care Act 2008

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