How Joyful Care Live-in Care Works

plus (1) How Joyful Care live-in care works

How Joyful Care Work?

We leave nothing to chance. We treat your family’s care with the diligence we’d treat our own.

We take the standard of your carer seriously. From official checks and assessments to the simple, most effective question ‘would I let this person look after my mum?’ With us, you know you’re getting a carer who’s right for the job.

DBS / PVG background check

Checking their background to be completely sure you can trust them.

Situational judgment

Testing them to be confident they make the right decisions at the critical moments.

Character assessment

Making sure they have the caring, respectful manner to bring joy to people’s lives.

Joyful Care-approved carers are people who love what they do, inspired by their own stories.

They’re ordinary people doing an extraordinary job, united in their desire to make a difference.

Some of the self-employed carers working with us talk through why they got into the profession, and why it works for them. For many, becoming a care professional starts with a personal experience of supporting someone they love.

However, we have briefly described our 7 step process below to make sure that you get the best possible service from us and our experienced live in carers. 

  1. No obligation chats to help you decide if live in care is right for you.

We are very happy to help and talk through the different types of live-in care

  • Our service is as much about maintaining independence and control and maximising quality of life as it is about personal or specialist care
  • Request a quotation; costs are always important and as care is tailored towards individual circumstances, we can provide a good idea of likely costs and how they can be minimised with only a little information from yourselves
  • Request a call-back at a day and time that is most convenient for you

We will usually summarise any calls in an email which you can then forward on to other family members, making sure that everybody is on the “same page” and giving all concerned the opportunity to ask us any follow-up questions.

  1. Registration – understand your specific care, housekeeping and companionship needs.

You will need to complete the one-page registration form to make sure you have understood the process and obligations. This form refers to our Business terms and Privacy Policy which are usually attached in the previous email correspondence.

We will then organise a detailed telephone interview, lasting up to an hour. In addition to understanding any specific health and care needs, we like to find out about your likes, dislikes, daily and weekly routine, hobbies, and outlook in life.

We will also discuss the live-in carer’s requirements, the likely duration of care – whether it is short term / respite and if it is ongoing how long you would like each carer to stay at any one time.

As most clients come to us looking for continuity of care and minimising the number of changes in carer, this part of the process is vitally important. We have found that a structured conversation (as opposed to a long questionnaire) helps us to focus on what is most important to you.

  1. Creation of Assignment Descriptions and Ideal Carer Profiles.

We will create an anonymized assignment description specific to your situation which includes an idea of the characteristics of your ideal carer. We use this to help us match your requirement against the large number of carers registered with us, throughout the country. This is a “live” document and will be kept updated to reflect any changes in requirements.

We send you our detailed advice notes to help you prepare for engaging a live-in carer. These notes will help to make the process of engaging a self-employed carer to go as smoothly as possible.

  1. Matching you with a carer/carers.

We will create a shortlist of carers based on their profile, experience, where they live and their availability.

All our registered carers will have undergone a thorough face to face interview, their paperwork (DBS, training certificates etc) will have been checked and, to become a carer with us they will have impeccable written and verbal references from previous clients.

Typically, we only register one or two carers in every ten carers that apply to us.

  1. We send you all relevant information on the chosen carer, including a personal profile.

Whilst we can provide a quicker turnaround, we typically ask for 7-10 working days before we send you this information. We pride ourselves on achieving the best match of individual and this takes a little time.

The profile will include a picture of the carer and all pertinent details of their experience.

We will explain and discuss with you why we think that the carer has the right profile and personality for you.

  1. You make the final decision on whether the proposed carer is right for you.

Whilst many long-term and returning clients are happy to delegate the decision to us, it is quite normal for new clients to want to meet (generally via Skype etc) or interview by telephone the incoming carer.

We encourage this, help arrange interviews (no cost) and address any subsequent questions from clients and carers alike.

When the carers are part of a rota or job-share, it also considered best practice for incoming and outgoing carers to exchange details prior to any change-over in care. Again, we help to facilitate this where necessary.

  1. Care starts (usually as part of a 2-3-week trial process).

Once you have confirmed start date of your care details, the carer and us are committed to making this assignment work.

We always suggest a 2-3-week trial process (for both client and carer) and while we are confident that we have done all that we can do to make the assignment a success, we will be on hand to assist with any issues.

Also “Personal Chemistry” between client and carer takes time to develop. We will listen, assist, and support you in any decisions you want to take regarding future care – we support you throughout the process while allowing you to be in control of the situation.


Recognized by the CQC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) defines companies like Joyful Care as an introductory agency pursuant to the Health & Social Care Act 2008

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