Multiple Sclerosis Care |

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Multiple Sclerosis care at home

We serve across London, Hampshire, and surrounding areas

Are you or a relative looking for multiple sclerosis home care? Live-in carers provide professional, 24/7 care and support for those living with multiple sclerosis.

Find out how our multiple sclerosis carer services can help below.

Our multiple sclerosis home carer service enables you or a loved one to live independently at home with the support of an experienced MS carer.

Multiple sclerosis, often shortened to MS, is a neurological condition that is characterised by damaged nerve fibres (myelin). Because of the importance of the nervous system in the body, this damage can cause a wide range of symptoms, and these symptoms often result in various disabilities or challenges for the person living with multiple sclerosis.

Approximately 100,000 people in the UK are living with multiple sclerosis and most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40. It’s known to affect nearly three times as many women as men. Let’s explore some of the warning signs of MS.

  • Fatigue – Chronic fatigue is different to simply feeling tired – those living with MS will often feel completely and utterly exhausted and may struggle to carry out simple activities.
  • Problems with vision – In around 25% of MS cases, the person can experience loss of vision, colour blindness, pain in the eye, flashes, or double vision.
  • Numbness / tingling – Various parts of the body – often the arms, legs, and torso – will feel numb or ‘tingly’ to an individual living with multiple sclerosis.
  • Spasms, stiffness, and weakness in muscles – Muscle contraction, stiffness or general weakness could be warning signs of MS.
  • Problems with mental health – Aside from cognitive dysfunction, those living with MS are more prone to periods of anxiety or depression (or both). Mood swings may also become apparent.
  • Problems with the bladder and/or bowel – Constipation is a common issue, as are many problems with passing urine, including the need to go more frequently.
  • General pain – one of the warning signs of MS includes frequently experiencing pain. It can either be directly caused by the condition, or because of other symptoms. This can include both neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain.

Find multiple sclerosis home care

Providing carers at home for someone with multiple sclerosis

Living with MS may mean adapting your everyday life, but with the right care and support, many people lead long, active, and healthy lives. To retain independence and live a normal life, many people choose to remain in their own homes with the help of a live-in carer.

As part of the live in carer for multiple sclerosis that we provide, your live-in carers are highly adept at developing specialised live-in care for those living with multiple sclerosis. We carry out a free consultation so we can fully understand your requirements, which can involve talking to friends and family if needed to ensure all requirements and preferences are considered. Our multiple sclerosis carers are professionally matched to your individual care needs, whatever they may be

Your live-in carer can of course help with all manner of everyday tasks that may be challenging including:

  • Meal preparation
  • Personal care
  • Keeping your home clean and safe
  • Shopping
  • Transport to and from doctors/dentists/hospital appointments

Here at Joyful Care, we understand that care involves much more than practicalities. That’s why your MS carer is on hand to help you cope with the psychological demands of MS, and making sure that you’re able to work, study and socialise to the best of your abilities.

We want you to be able to make the most of every moment, regardless of your limitations. This is a vital aspect of your multiple sclerosis care support and a tangible benefit for those who choose  live in care.

Many people living with multiple sclerosis will, at some stage, be unable to control their symptoms to such an extent that they enter relapse. At this point, around-the-clock care may not be needed. However, if an individual experiences a relapse, and symptoms become significant, your live-in carers are on hand to provide short term respite on a flexible basis. We support any form of multiple sclerosis care that works for you and your loved one.

Knowing how to care for someone with multiple sclerosis on a full-time basis can be challenging, and it’s so important to find time to relax and recuperate. This is where your live-in care for multiple sclerosis can step in.

Contact our friendly support team today to arrange for your care.


Recognized by the CQC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) defines companies like Joyful Care as an introductory agency pursuant to the Health & Social Care Act 2008

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